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Even though Middle East is a vast region with numerous nations and customs, it can be helpful to remember the general rules of etiquette listed below when interacting with people who were brought up in accordance with Middle Eastern customs
It is recommended to steer clear of conversations regarding Middle Eastern politics and religion. Always remember that you must act in a manner that blends in with the other residents.
Women's attire should often conceal the thighs and arms. Relatively private matters should only be discussed at home.
Marriage-related public shows of affection involving individuals of opposite genders are often frowned upon. This can involve anything as simple as holding hands.
It is frequently regarded as impolite to show someone your foot sole or touch them with your shoe. This involves reclining in a foot-up position while sitting. In some cases, taking off your shoes is a requirement before approaching a living room.
People in the Mideast frequently mix their personal and work lives. Dealing in business is considerably more centred on ties to one's family, friends, and honour. Personal matters frequently take precedence above all other considerations. It is essential that business connections be based on trust and friendship.
Muslims must pray 5 times a day, so daily activities, appointments, and appointments must be scheduled to coincide with prayer hours. All males are required to participate in congregational prayers on Friday.
You will frequently hear the customary Muslim salutation "Asalamu alaykum" (peace be with you). You wouldn't be supposed to use it as a non-Muslim, but if you did, you would get the response "wa alaykum salam".
In Arab society, the duties of men & women are much more clearly defined, and intersexual activity is still frowned upon.
If you are addressed to a female as a guy, it is recommended that you wait and see if her hand is extended before approaching her. Don't attempt to shake hands if it isn't. Don't touch or stare at women for too long.
Never decline a drink offer since it will be considered as a slight towards your host. However, you can just take a drink after receiving your beverage and leave the remainder in the glass or cup. Usually, water, fruit juice, delicious black tea containing fresh mint, or tiny glasses of aromatic coffee will be provided.
When entering a private home, you will be requested to take off your shoes, so make sure your feet are clean or that you are wearing appropriate socks. Remember to sit down if you are asked to a meal that will be had on the floor of a private residence so that no one can see the heels of your feet. You should only use your right hand to eat. Don't express your admiration for anything that belongs to your host. Your host would then be obliged to give it to you as a present, and you would be expected to give a similar gift in exchange at a later time.